Tiny's Blog

Tiny's Blog

Tiny's Blog

Layers of the Bladder and What Can Go Wrong

Layers of the Bladder and What Can Go Wrong

I’ve got a bit of a different blog for you this month, because it has pictures! And not just any pictures. I’ve had my coloured pencils out and have drawn them for you myself! We’re going to be learning all about the structure of the bladder and finding out why my decision not to take any exams in Art was probably for the best.As most of you are probably aware, there is no single known cause or single known cure for interstitial cystitis. This makes it complex to diagnose and treat, which can be frustrating. However, if we actually look at how the bladder is made and the ways in which it can go wrong, it makes perfect sense that not everyone’s painful bladder symptoms, triggers and alleviating factors would be the same.The bladder is not the same all the way through, but is made of different layers that serve…

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