What Does Tiny Eat in a Day? (August 2022)
This month’s blog post is a special one, because it was requested by a reader! I was ready for a break from writing about aloe vera anyway, so I appreciated the suggestion! The lady wanted to know what I eat in a day and I do get asked this a lot, so it does make sense to answer the question in a blog. I’m actually asked this question so often that I am writing a cookbook to address it in more detail, but until that is ready, here is a snapshot of the sorts of foods I eat on a normal day. Regular readers will be aware that I have a number of food intolerances, including gluten, dairy, potatoes, rice, egg whites and corn. I also avoid excess sugar and I don’t drink alcohol. It is important to note, however, that I don’t follow the IC Diet and nor do I react particularly…
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