Tiny's Blog

Tiny's Blog

Tiny's Blog

Tiny's First-Aid and Medicine-Box Essentials! (Part 1)

Tiny's First-Aid and Medicine-Box Essentials! (Part 1)

Hello!  Before I get into this month’s blog post, I need to apologise for the lack of new content last month.  I’d like to say I was working on something busy and important, but honestly I just couldn’t think of anything to write about, so I didn’t write anything at all!  Hopefully this month’s post will make up for it, as I think many of you will find it a more interesting topic than usual.  I am going to be sharing a list of first-aid and medicine-drawer essentials that I think every home should have!  I thought you might find it fun to note down some of the items you haven’t got and put together a wellness kit for times of illness, aches, and minor injuries. On that note, I suppose I had better begin with my usual disclaimer and even add a bit to it.  Please note that I am…

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