Welcome, Ancestral Supplements!
The eagle-eyed among you might have noticed a new brand hitting our store a few months ago. Unfortunately, no sooner had it arrived than it was gone again, meaning we never got to give it the welcome it deserved. I’m delighted to announce that it is back and this time we hope it is here to stay! I’m talking, of course, about Ancestral Supplements, which come to us all the way from Texas. In this post, I want to tell you a bit about the brand and explain why it disappeared!Ancestral Supplements manufactures a range of grass-fed, freeze-dried beef glandular products. Throughout human history, until the very recent past, cultures which ate meat routinely consumed almost the whole animal. I know there are a lot of different diets around nowadays, each with no shortage of devotees to tell you why theirs is the best. My own belief is that a…
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