Fill Weights and Label Claims: Do the Numbers on Your Vitamins and Minerals Add Up?
In last month’s blog post I discussed the kinds of things you need to look for when choosing a good quality multivitamin supplement. I talked about how there should always be a table of facts on vitamin and mineral supplements and I said that sometimes brands use these tables to make false claims about their products. In today’s post, I want to cover tables of facts and label claims in more detail. I’ll show you what a good table of facts should look like, I’ll talk about elemental yields of minerals, and I’ll give you some tips for weeding out misleading label claims. If you haven’t read last month’s post and you’re fairly new to the world of vitamin and mineral supplements, please go back and read that first so that you can get the most out of this month’s post. A good vitamin and mineral supplement always contains a table that…
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