Tiny's Blog

Tiny's Blog

Tiny's Blog

PEA for Pee and Other Chronic Pain: Palmitoylethanolamide!

PEA for Pee and Other Chronic Pain: Palmitoylethanolamide!

Have you heard of palmitoylethanolamide? I first heard about it a few years ago from a customer, who told me that it had helped with her interstitial cystitis enormously. She used it alongside high-potency aloe vera capsules and said they were a great combination. I’ve been researching it a lot recently and thought I’d devote this month’s blog to telling you a bit about it, as I think it’s something a lot of you might like to try.Let’s start with its name, as it’s not the easiest word in the world to read at first glance! It helps to break it down into three chunks: palmitoyl-ethanol-amide. It is pronounced parm-it-oil-eth-a-nol-a-mide and both ‘a’ sounds are short. (Personally I think this is an incorrect way of saying it. In my opinion, because we say the word ‘amide’ with the ‘a’ as in ‘hay’, the word ought to be pronounced parm-it-oil-eth-a-nol-ay-mide. I…

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