Tiny's Blog

Tiny's Blog

Tiny's Blog

Welcoming A Few New SC Nutra (Sweet Cures) Products!

Welcoming A Few New SC Nutra (Sweet Cures) Products!

The eagle-eyed among you might have noticed that we have recently welcomed a few new SC Nutra products to the Tiny Pioneer store!  In this month’s blog post I thought I would formally introduce them and tell you a bit about them! Before I begin, I will just clear up some possible confusion:  SC Nutra is the new name for Sweet Cures!  You will very possibly already know this, as Sweet Cures sent out emails to customers to let them know of the forthcoming change.  The changeover still seems to be in progress, as the company website remains www.sweet-cures.com and the Sweet Cures logo still appears on it.  However, the new SC Nutra logo now appears on product packaging.  I am going to leave the link on the Tiny Pioneer website as ‘Sweet Cures’ until I am given the go ahead to change it and until I am confident that people have got…

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