Tiny's Blog

Tiny's Blog

Tiny's Blog

Introducing Tiny Pioneer Simply PEA: our first own-label products!!!

Introducing Tiny Pioneer Simply PEA: our first own-label products!!!

Hello! I’m so excited about this month’s blog post that I actually don’t know how to start it. I’ve spent ten minutes already writing and deleting things! I ended my December blog by saying that things have been very hectic at Tiny Towers recently. Those of you who have been here a while probably know that we VAT registered last year, had a few hoops to jump through before we could get Ancestral Supplements on the shelves, and then we had Brexit to contend with! What none of you knew was that we were also working on something very special: Tiny Pioneer’s first own-label products! I’ve been passionate about nutrition since my late teens, so this is something of a dream for me and I’m really proud and excited to be able to share it with you.In November, I wrote a blog post all about palmitoylethanolamide (PEA). I am delighted…

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