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Tiny's Blog

How To Get Your Hormones Checked:  Four Different Ways!

How To Get Your Hormones Checked: Four Different Ways!

Regular readers will know that I consider it very useful for people with chronic health issues to have their hormone levels checked out.  When hormone levels are out of balance, it can contribute to a wide variety of symptoms, including:Irregular or painful periodsDifficulty conceivingPainful bladder syndrome or interstitial cystitisVulvodyniaVaginal drynessLichen sclerosusPremenstrual syndrome or premenstrual dysphoric disorderPanic disorders, depression, mood swings, or insomniaThrushUterine fibroidsPolycystic ovary syndromeThyroid hormone imbalanceI often find myself recommending people to get hormone tests done and have previously written in detail on the subject in this blog post about Medichecks and this one about Genova Diagnostics and Precision Analytical.  I thought it might be nice to write a summarised version of the different methods of measuring hormones, outlining the pros and cons for each.  This will therefore be the topic of this month’s blog! Basic GP Blood TestsIn the first instance, you can ask your GP to run blood tests to measure…

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