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Tiny's Blog

Cystoscopies, Bladder Instillations and Hydrodistension for Interstitial Cystitis

Cystoscopies, Bladder Instillations and Hydrodistension for Interstitial Cystitis

Please note that I am not a doctor and nothing in this post is intended to constitute medical advice. These are purely my thoughts and opinions, which are for entertainment purposes only. Please always consult with a qualified healthcare professional before deciding upon or refusing any particular treatment strategy, dietary changes or supplement regimes.When people first discover the Tiny Pioneer website, they are often waiting to see a specialist about their bladder pain condition. Sometimes they have only had symptoms for a short time and don’t know very much about their condition; other times they have been waiting a long time for an appointment and have had the chance to do plenty of independent research. People might also find the site after having examinations and receiving a formal diagnosis of interstitial cystitis – often this group is in the process of weighing up treatment options.In spite of my lack of…

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