Welcoming A Few New SC Nutra (Sweet Cures) Products!

Welcoming A Few New SC Nutra (Sweet Cures) Products!

The eagle-eyed among you might have noticed that we have recently welcomed a few new SC Nutra products to the Tiny Pioneer store!  In this month’s blog post I thought I would formally introduce them and tell you a bit about them! 

Before I begin, I will just clear up some possible confusion:  SC Nutra is the new name for Sweet Cures!  You will very possibly already know this, as Sweet Cures sent out emails to customers to let them know of the forthcoming change.  The changeover still seems to be in progress, as the company website remains www.sweet-cures.com and the Sweet Cures logo still appears on it.  However, the new SC Nutra logo now appears on product packaging.  I am going to leave the link on the Tiny Pioneer website as ‘Sweet Cures’ until I am given the go ahead to change it and until I am confident that people have got used to the new name. 

Now that we’ve got that sorted, let’s take a look at the new arrivals! 

Firstly, we have begun stocking the new Waterfall D-Mannose Instant Sachets, which should be handy when you need to travel. Each sachet contains a single-serve 3g portion of D-Mannose in a granulated powder, making it easy to take when you’re away from home.  I love the original D-Mannose Powder tubs, but they are not the most convenient option if you are out and about. These sachets allow you to pour a measured intake of D-Mannose into your drink quickly, discreetly and neatly.  No more getting your tub and teaspoon out in public, explaining to everyone what you are doing, and then making a powdery mess on the table! 

Next, we have Wild Oregano Oil C80 Softgels.  We have never to date stocked SC Nutra’s liquid oregano oil, for the somewhat biased reason that I tried liquid oregano oil by another brand at the start of my health journey and did not find it very user friendly.  This was long before I discovered Sweet Cures and I have never actually tried their own liquid oregano oil.  However, liquid oils need to be incredibly well diluted or else they burn your throat on the way down and as you will remember from science lessons, oil and water do not mix!  Because of this, I discarded oregano oil in favour of other antifungals.  You can read about a range of antifungals and why you might use them in last month’s blog post

SC Nutra Wild Oregano Oil C80 Softgels are an exciting option, because they offer a much more palatable, much less burning way to use oregano oil!  Produced, as the name suggests, using wild oregano oil in a base of organic extra virgin olive oil, the softgel capsules are vegan and free from all common allergens.  Each capsule provides 75mg of oregano oil with a carvacrol level of at least 80%.  Compounds found in oregano oil have antimicrobial and antifungal properties and might also provide anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects.  This makes them of potential interest to those with bladder infections, candida and other yeast infections, bacterial infections and viral infections. 

Speaking of bladder infections, we have finally got around to stocking SC Nutra’s Quickly Test UTITest 5V test strips!  Long overdue, I know.  These urine test strips allow you to check your own urine at home for blood, protein, leukocytes, nitrites and pH level.  This is an invaluable way to detect infections early and can also allow general urinary health tracking, perhaps to monitor progress or adjust your D-Mannose intake.  It has not been easy for lots of people to get appointments with doctors over the last couple of years, so being able to check your own urine a home is certainly advantageous.  There is no pain quite like cystitis pain and being able to detect it good and early so that treatment can be sought is bound to provide peace of mind for regular sufferers!  SC Nutra’s urine test strips are laboratory quality, easy to use, and you get 50 test strips in a tub. 

Finally, we have Vegan Vitamin D3 Softgels, each softgel capsule providing 2000iu (50mcg) of vitamin D3.  The vitamin D3 is presented in an organic extra virgin olive oil base, with no other carriers or fillers.  This makes it an exceptionally clean and high-quality offering, which I am excited to have in the store.  Personally I am intolerant to sunflower oil and it is always frustrating when I have to reject an otherwise promising supplement (or worse, take it knowing that the sunflower oil is an issue) because a brand has chosen this cheaper option.  I was thrilled when SC Nutra told me that they had chosen organic extra virgin olive oil and I think this is a great product. 

Vitamin D3 is a fat-soluble vitamin, meaning that it is best absorbed if consumed with a little fat.  The use of olive oil as a carrier is therefore even more pleasing!  Over the winter I have been taking 10,000iu of vitamin D3 a day and I would take extra if I ever felt like I was starting with a cold or other infection too.  Naturally I am not advising you to exceed any recommended daily intakes yourselves.  SC Nutra’s Vegan Vitamin D3 is a new product so I have not tried it, but I’m sure I will be giving it a go over the summer! 

I’m going to finish this blog in a most un-business-savvy way by reminding you that SC Nutra offers bulk discounts on its products and free UK shipping on all orders.  I love the brand and we stock it here firstly to introduce it to people who might not know about it and secondly as a sort of add-on option.  If you’re here buying other products and paying delivery anyway, you might as well save time by getting your SC Nutra items while you’re at it.  We offer free UK delivery on orders over £144 (including VAT and correct at the time of writing) so adding some SC Nutra to your basket might help you to qualify for that too. However, it is not a good idea for UK customers to come to us purely for SC Nutra items, as unless you’re here to buy other brands as well, you will always save money by going to SC Nutra direct.  Never let it be said that I don’t look after you, right?! 

Wishing you the best of health,

Tiny x